Crafters have a huge advantage over regular people when it comes to downtime. We have stashes to bust. We have queues to get through. We can make all the things! But we do need more than that to stay sane in these crazy times. Here's a list of things one can occupy themselves while staying away from people.
Read a book
Listen to an audiobook
Listen to a podcast
Work on your hobbies
Learn a new hobby
Learn a new skill
Go for a walk or a run
Go for a hike
Learn about edible plants in your area
Learn about dyestuff in your area
Collect edible plants and/or dyestuff
Get a workout/yoga app and get in shape
Look up workouts/yoga videos and try those out
Video chat with friends and family
Have a video chat party with drinks and food and games
Reach out to people in your community to see how they're holding up
Reach out to fellow crafters and see what they're getting up to
Play some video games
Watch someone else play video games
Organize your stash
Organize your closet
Organize everything
Fix that thing you've been ignoring
Find other things to fix
Deep clean your house
Do creative writing
Draw, paint, sculpt
Blog about all the things you've read, done, seen, made
There are so many things to do! We just need to do them instead of dwelling on how tough this situation is. Remember that we're all in the same boat and we're all going through this together apart.
Stay safe! Stay away! Stay connected! Stay sane!